DS 3 Manuals

Peugeot 2008: Instruments / Lighting dimmer

This system allows the brightness of the instruments and controls to be adjusted to suit the ambient light level.

With PEUGEOT Connect Radio

  • Peugeot 2008. Lighting dimmer Press this button to select the Settings menu.
  • Peugeot 2008. Lighting dimmer Select "Brightness".
  • Peugeot 2008. Lighting dimmer Adjust the brightness by pressing the arrows or moving the slider.

    The settings are applied immediately.

  • Press outside the settings window to exit.

    You can also switch off the screen:

  • Peugeot 2008. Lighting dimmer Press this button to select the Settings menu.
  • Peugeot 2008. Lighting dimmerSelect "Dark".

    The screen goes off completely.

  • Press the screen again (anywhere on its surface) to activate it.

WithPEUGEOT Connect Nav

  • Peugeot 2008. Lighting dimmer Press this button to select the Settings menu.
  • Select "OPTIONS".
  • Peugeot 2008. Lighting dimmer Select "Screen configuration".
  • Select the "Brightness" tab.
  • Peugeot 2008. Lighting dimmer Adjust the brightness by pressing the arrows or moving the slider.
  • Peugeot 2008. Lighting dimmer Press this button to save and exit.

You can also switch off the screen:

  • Peugeot 2008. Lighting dimmer Press this button to select the Settings menu.
  • Peugeot 2008. Lighting dimmer Select "Turn off screen".

    The screen goes off completely.

  • Press the screen again (anywhere on its surface) to activate it.

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